There are several steps that TEA requires LEAs to follow when determining the use of Title I, Part A funds. The session will provide an overview of the steps for use of Title I, Part A funds. Additionally, session participants will be provided with several scenarios to determine whether it is allowable to use Title I, Part A funds. The session will conclude with information on where to locate resources that you may find helpful in administering the Title I, Part A program.
This session will provide updates related to Title I, Part A Program Compliance. Topics to be shared include the addition of program compliance self-check items to the 2025-2026 PR1000 – Title I, Part A Compliance Report; determining the Title I, Part A reservation amount for services to homeless children and youth; and common findings identified during program monitoring validation reviews. The session will end with a showcase of the various resources available for establishing compliance with the Title I, Part A programmatic requirements.